Thursday, October 25, 2007

Knitting Resolutions

Today I went yarn purchasing as a treat to reward myself for actually applying for school

A Semi Local (hour away) Yarn store is going out of business, which sucks cause now the closest decent one is really far away... Anyway Everything was %30-%50 percent off Hooray.
I spent $60 and left with 3 skeins of alpaca paint int blue/green/yellow (I am madly in love with this yarn.). 7 assorted skeins of Wool for crazy toy making (wow could i be any vaguer?) and a couple of circular needles.

now for the knitting resolutions

1. I will finish making my second Fetching Fingerless mitts before I cast on for the hat out of that pretty pink/blue/purple stuff from yesterdays post

2. I will knit at least the ribbed border on said hat before starting another project.

3. I will Frog the beach wrap skirt that I hate so that the pretty maroon and white mercurized cotton can be reincarneted as something non-evil.

4. I will not buy any more yarn until I can actually fit the current batch into my plastic drawers.... This may take months

5. I will not be to hard on myself when I start making a knitted toy immediately after posting this :)

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